Chronic back pain is common, but sometimes it’s more than just a muscle strain. As a neurosurgeon, I frequently encounter spinal compression pain, a serious condition caused by pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. It’s vital to understand the different types and causes of this pain to seek timely help and prevent lasting damage.

What causes the pain?

Imagine your spine as a network of highways for nerve signals. When bony growths, herniated disks, or tumors squeeze these highways, pain arises through various mechanisms:

  • Direct pressure: Like pinching a nerve, this triggers sharp, localized pain.
  • Inflammation: The body’s natural response to compression can further irritate nerves and amplify pain.
  • Reduced blood flow: Compressed nerves get less oxygen, leading to a burning or tingling sensation.
  • Signal disruption: Pain messages get mixed up, causing numbness, weakness, and pins-and-needle sensations.

The location and nature of your pain can offer valuable clues, such as sharp, shooting pain radiating down your arm or leg, dull, achy pain in your back, or pain that worsens with activity and improves with rest. Our goal is to relieve pressure and stop the pain at its source. Depending on the cause and severity, different approaches may be taken such as conservative care, minimally invasive procedures, or surgery in severe cases.

Early action is key. Ignoring spinal compression pain can lead to permanent nerve damage. If you experience persistent back pain, radiating pain, numbness, or weakness, seek immediate medical evaluation. A prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment can make a world of difference in managing your pain and preventing future complications.

Dr. Darakchiev is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurosurgeon skilled in diagnosing and treating a variety of brain, spine and peripheral nerve disorders. To schedule an appointment, please call 631-690-9080.