Keeping the body active is essential for good health, but this often gets neglected due to desk jobs that require you to sit in one place for extended periods, particularly when working on a computer. In fact, working at a computer often involves very few changes in body position.
Muscles need to be exercised to stay strong, relaxed, and flexible. Prolonged sitting, especially with poor posture, is bad for your neck, hip, and back muscles as well as your spine. It will also cause your large leg and gluteal muscles to gradually weaken and tighten. Over time, this leads to shortening of the hip flexor muscles, which can later cause issues with your hip joints. It can also put excessive pressure on the discs in your spine, which can cause pain.
It’s recommended that you take frequent stretching and exercise breaks throughout your day. If possible, it is ideal to stand up and walk during your breaks, or at a minimum, change your body position.
Dr. Darakchiev is skilled in treating conditions of the spine. To schedule an appointment, please call 631-690-9080. Visit the website for more information on the brain, spine and peripheral nerve disorders he treats.