Back pain, a common ailment affecting millions worldwide, often shrouds in myths and misconceptions. As a neurosurgeon and spine specialist, I’m here to shed light on some intriguing truths about this prevalent condition.

Myth 1: Bed Rest is the Best Remedy

Contrary to popular belief, prolonged bed rest can worsen back pain. While short periods of rest may provide relief, prolonged inactivity weakens muscles and stiffens joints, exacerbating pain.

Fact: Regular physical activity, especially low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, or yoga, strengthens back muscles and improves flexibility, reducing pain and preventing recurrences.

Myth 2: Cracking Your Back Relieves Pain

While the popping sound may feel momentarily satisfying, cracking your back provides no long-term pain relief. In fact, repetitive cracking can strain ligaments and joints, increasing the risk of injury.

Fact: Manual therapy and minimally invasive techniques performed by a trained professional, can effectively alleviate pain and improve mobility.

Myth 3: Strong Muscles Prevent Back Pain

While strong back muscles are essential for support and stability, overtraining or focusing solely on strength training can lead to muscle imbalances, increasing the risk of back pain.

Fact: A balanced exercise routine that incorporates both strength and flexibility training is crucial for back health. Stretching regularly helps maintain muscle elasticity and prevent stiffness, reducing the likelihood of back pain. Check with your physician before starting any exercise regimen.

Myth 4: Back Pain is a Sign of Aging

Back pain can occur at any age, not just as a result of aging. While age-related wear and tear can contribute to back issues, lifestyle factors like poor posture, heavy lifting, and inactivity play a significant role.

Fact: Maintaining a healthy weight, practicing good posture, engaging in regular physical activity, and avoiding smoking can significantly reduce the risk of back pain, regardless of age.

Remember, back pain is not a life sentence. With proper diagnosis, treatment, and lifestyle modifications, you can overcome back pain and reclaim your active life. If you are experiencing back pain, contact Dr. Darakchiev for a consultation.

Dr. Darakchiev is a board-certified, fellowship-trained neurosurgeon skilled in diagnosing and treating a variety of brain, spine and peripheral nerve disorders. To schedule an appointment, please call 631-690-9080.